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Mathematical Escapades is a long-term game which helps children, who are transitioning from pre-school to the elementary school, create a healthy habit of learning outside of the class.

The project was created as a response to the RSA competition brief “Press Play” published in 2021-2022. The idea was to support learning more creatively at home, outside of the formal environment of classrooms.

For my research I closely collaborated with parents, children and elementary school teachers, who provided all the necessary knowledge. The ultimate goal for the final solution to the problem with learning mathematics is helping parents with building good learning habits with their children. The key is consistency over a long period of time.

Besides this, there is a set of smaller aims for the project that include helping with changing the approach to after school learning using gamification of learning aspects. This results in reducing emotional outbursts during homework routines, better understanding of one’s learning abilities, as well as strengthening the bond between the child and parents.


Feel free to contact me with your request, so we can start creating something amazing for your projects!

idea exploration with card designs

Illustrations are stylized in a way to appeal to children, but keep an element of realism to represent the flora and fauna in a true manner for educational purposes.

illustrated board - autumn version

The illustrated board hides a lot of visual information in small details. It works as an extension to the card game and the story it tells. The characters from the story are present on the board. Boards from different sets can be connected to create one long poster.

selection of cards from the autumn pack

Back of the cards tell a story that functions as an introduction to a mathematical problem a child will help solve. By solving the problem the story advances further. Each set of cards focuses on its own sub-plot. This set is finished each school week as it connects to the school outline for the subject.

board sketch and story cards

The concept of the card game is expandable. One pack of cards contains 10 sets of 5 cards, representing 10 school weeks. In total it is 50 story and problem cards. As a long term game, it helps build a habit of learning outside of the school environment.

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